Ultimate Wrap Dress Attempt 2
After making my first Ultimate Wrap Dress, I knew I had to tweak the pattern quite a bit to make it fit me properly.
I needed to drop the waist down by 1 1/2 inches and lengthen the dress by at least 4 inches. I also wanted to add darts in the back neckline to bring the shoulders in, as this would, in turn, bring up the front of the dress.
I picked up some lovely navy scuba (at only £6 a metre) from my local haberdashery and set to work. After I had finished the dress, I realized that I also needed to add darts to the front slope. Unfortunately, I had already finished adding the facing down the front using a very close zigzag stitch (which is a nightmare to unpick). So after some creative bodging, I added darts to the front and managed to get them to lie reasonably flat (and added them to my paper pattern, so they are ready for next time).
I asked my teenager to take some pictures of me wearing the finished dress, it was raining outside, so we had to use our not very exciting hallway as a backdrop!
I’m really pleased with the finished length, and the waist seems to be perfectly placed
The front isn’t too deep, so I can wear it to work and most importantly it doesn’t gap open from the side!
I’m so impressed with this wrap dress, now that I have finished tweaking the pattern, that I went out to Sew Over It in Clapham to pick up some fancier jersey (my local haberdashery doesn’t tend to have much in stock).
So here is the fabric to make my next version, up close it has a really nice texture and it drapes really well.