Decorating (with a Dodgy Back)
My back has now been diagnosed as being a prolapsed disc. While I wait to be summoned for surgery (I can’t wait, as then I will finally be out of pain!), I have been decorating.
My daughter and I moved into a newly built flat just over a year ago. We weren’t allowed to do anything to it for a year, while the new building dried out and settled. But now we can decorate! The whole flat is white and beige, it desperately needed some colour.
Of course, I am still broken and am very limited in what I can do. It’s taken quite some time to paint 2 door frames and a door as I can only do a little each day.
My daughter has planned a complex mural for her bedroom walls, but we started with her door. We painted the middle sections with blackboard paint and the outside with a pale purple. When the walls either side are also purple, it will look quite good (but at the moment all I can see is a giant exclamation mark!)
The hallway proved to be more of a challenge. It has no natural light and it quite narrow. I decided to refresh the white walls (I’m trying to find a light-enhancing paint!) and paint each door frame a different colour to reflect the room inside.
So far I have painted the 2 bedroom door frames, I’ve still got to paint the main room’s frame green and the bathroom purple. But as this amount of paint has taken me almost 2 weeks, it’s going to take a while.
I am also looking forward to painting the kitchen cupboard doors, as I really don’t like beige. We have about 4 more weeks of the summer holidays, let’s see how much painting I can do in that time!